Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer time, summer time... yeah, summer time!

Summer is in full swing and I love it! I sit on my couch staring out the picture window looking at the beautiful trees swaying in the gentle breeze. How often do we have an opportunity to appreciate the wonder around us? Not often enough!! It is moments like this that make me reminisce about my childhood and the childhood of my children.

As a child, I remember playing in the hot sun, sweat running down my face and thinking that I could do this forever. The neighborhood I grew up in had SO many kids that there was always someone ready to play. Baseball games erupted in the middle of the quiet suburban street. We played 9 full innings unless the ice cream vendor came during game time. Of course, the 7-up popsicles, sno cones and eskimo pies ALWAYS took priority over any baseball game.

As a mother, I remember watching my daughters play in the backyard. Like their mother, they loved sports; however, baseball was too slow moving for them. Soccer was their passion. These talented girls would orchestrate soccer games that only imaginative children could create. Their antics were so detailed that I could "hear" the crowds cheering them on.

I look forward to being a grandmother and sharing special moments with my grandchildren. I look forward to frolicking in the pool with them, looking for Easter eggs, and falling onto the ground in laughter so intense that we can hardly breath. I look forward to cooking their favorite foods, just like my grandmothers cooked mine, and my daughters' grandmothers cooked theirs.

Summer is such a special season. Enjoy it like you did when you were a child. Life is too short to care what the neighbors think when they see you gleefully screaming as you run through the sprinklers!