Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Right Place at the Right Time

I entered into the professional world when computers were revolutionizing the workplace. I was in the right place at the right time. My introduction to the world of computers was doing data entry for the Customer Service department of a midsize fashion shoe manufacturer. It was here I learned that computers were our friends.

I spent the next decade empowering midsize fast growth apparel companies with the ability to navigate the process of transitioning from paper based production and sales systems to specialized computer systems. The companies determined the destination. I mapped out the course and we set sail together. Each voyage had its' moments of smooth sailing and moments of tempestuous waves. We knew this would be the case before setting sail, so we were ready for both conditions. Destinations were reached. Computerization facilitated:

  • improved production control which cut costs by minimum of 15%
  • consolidated shipments which reduce shipping costs and increased shipment percentages
  • effective management of sales orders which increased sales by minimum of 25%

In today's computerized world and all of it's systems, we could not fathom the idea of not knowing exact expenses and revenues at any given time. Unfortunately, three decades ago, most fast growth midsize apparel companies with paper based systems lacked the sophistication of today's companies. Based on this fact, I have conservatively stated the benefits computerization brought these companies.

The hours were long and grueling at times, but I loved my work. I was one of the first female managers in Information Technology. I empowered companies and employees. My efforts streamlined procedures, provided employees tools that made them more effective and companies moved into state-of-the-art technology.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Thank you for visiting my blog. I chose to start a blog to share my professional journey with you. My journey has had several turns. Each turn has yielded new opportunities to strengthen existing skills and acquire new skills. These skills, passion, compassion, and life experiences have helped me evolve to the caring professional that I am today.

Life is full of change. I stand here (rather, sit here at my computer) at the threshold of a new career. Unlike many entering new careers because of the downturn in the economy, I am doing so by choice. I am blessed.

The new career path I am beginning is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of my second career, which was 180 degrees in the opposite direction of my first career. Deciding how to approach my third career has taken me on a journey of reflection about my first two careers. This journey has enabled me to see that my career choices and changes were directly influenced by the season of life I was in at the time. Reflection has also enabled me to realize that despite the different directions my careers took, there were common threads. It is these common threads that have paved the way for my third career.